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Unfair competition in the use of similar domain names

Technology and business on the Internet are evolving at a furious pace. In our personal opinion Bulgarian legislation in this direction behind.

More recently, the Commission for Protection of Competition, considered an interesting case, namely for unfair competition in the use of similar domain names.

Unfair competition using similar domain names

These approaches […]

Registering Limited Liability Company in Bulgaria

We are receiving a huge volume of inquiries on how the process for registration of Limited Liability Company in Bulgaria LLC/Ltd/GmbH goes. Most commonly you are asking about the following:

1. How the process usually goes?

2. How long the incorporation will take?

3. Is it required client’s personal presence?

4. Is it possible to […]

Bulgarian Parliament amended changes in IPA

At the beginning of 2013 Bulgarian Parliament amended changes in Bulgarian Investment Promotion Act after the veto of the president.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevenliev

The President returned to the law because of provisions that do not match the overall concept of increasing investment activity in the country in crisis. The President stated that […]

Recent changes in Bulgarian Foreigners Act

There has been amended some changes in Bulgarian Foreigners Act (March) but we couldn’t find time till now to discuss them. Some of them are very important when planning your stay in the country or are related to foreigners who have already issued residence permits.

Bulgarian Parliament

Finally we are letting you know […]