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RP in Bulgaria based on commercial activity

Lots of NON EU entrepreneurs are facing with a problem when they need to stay in Bulgaria for more than 90 days (in every 180 days). This is due to both Bulgarian and EU immigration legislation procedures.

In general there are two main types of regimes depending of presence or lack of an agreement for […]

Acquiring rights in another EU country to work at home not abuse

The Court of Justice held that the single market ability of citizens of the Union to choose the Member State in which they wish to receive the title and the Member State in which they intend to practice their profession is inherent in the exercise of the right guaranteed by the European Union fundamental freedoms.


Bulgarian Parliament amended changes in IPA

At the beginning of 2013 Bulgarian Parliament amended changes in Bulgarian Investment Promotion Act after the veto of the president.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevenliev

The President returned to the law because of provisions that do not match the overall concept of increasing investment activity in the country in crisis. The President stated that […]

Recent changes in Bulgarian Foreigners Act

There has been amended some changes in Bulgarian Foreigners Act (March) but we couldn’t find time till now to discuss them. Some of them are very important when planning your stay in the country or are related to foreigners who have already issued residence permits.

Bulgarian Parliament

Finally we are letting you know […]

Issuance of Bulgarian ID for foreigners

Bulgarian ID card (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The purpose of this post is to examine conditions and procedures for issuance of Bulgarian identity documents for foreign nationals and stateless persons from the Ministry of Interior, and the prerequisites for the replacement of these documents. Regulation is contained in several Bulgarian laws namely:

Bulgarian ID act.
